Frank Wakefield Jim Moss Jeff Harris Graham Murphy Bean Blossom 2001
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Telling Stories at Peva's Camp
L to R:  Roger Smith, Frank Wakefield
(Bean Blossom 2001)

Photo by Jim Peva

Jamming at Peva's Camp
L to R: Jeff Harris, Linda Riha, Jim Moss, Bud Freedman, Tom Adler
(Bean Blossom 2001)

Tom Adler and I had the opportunity to discuss his continuing research on 
the history of the Brown County Jamboree at Bean Blossom.   Tom has 
spent countless hours digging into local archives and interviewing elderly
residents about the place eventually purchased by the Father of Bluegrass
Music and turned into the Mecca of that music.  We discussed the mystery
period between the time of the death of Birch Monroe and the time of the
razing of the old Jamboree Barn.  Tom is trying to pinpoint just when the
regular Sunday shows at the barn were discontinued.  I wasn't of much help,
but did remember a conversation with Bill at Birch's funeral about the poor
attendance at the barn for a show performed by Lonnie Glosson (and, I
believe, Wayne Raney), very close to the time of Birch's death. 
(quote: Jim Peva)

Photo by Jim Peva

Bean Blossom
L to R:  Homer Hall, Bud Freedman, Jim Moss, Raymond Huffmaster 
(Bean Blossom 2001)

The 35th Annual Bill Monroe Festival at Bean Blossom, IN is now history, 
with a Friday and Saturday night crowd reminiscent of the early 1970s.  The
question is not IF it is going to rain during the festival, but WHEN, and HOW
MUCH.  Friday afternoon saw a downpour, which actually brought relief from
the heat and humidity, and the dry ground quickly absorbed puddles of
standing water.  Saturday and Sunday were picture perfect, blue-eyed sunny days.

Raymond Huffmaster, a fellow lister, drove up from Mississippi, and was a
welcome addition to the gathering of good ole boys (and girls, sorry, MaryE),
at our campsite.  It is always a pleasure to be around Raymond, whether he
was jamming with Alan Phelps, which he did, or sharing with us his many
experiences in the bluegrass world.  Raymond seemed to be impressed with the
many improvements that Dwight Dillman has made to the festival grounds and
expressed the opinion that Mr. Monroe would be pleased.  (quote: Jim Peva)

Photo by Jim Peva

Jamming at Peva's Camp
L to R: Jeff Harris, Linda Riha, Jim Moss, Bud Freedman, Tom Adler 
(Bean Blossom 2001)

Big Al, "Bud" Freedman, an old BB buddy from years ago made a surprise visit
to the festival on Friday.  I have urged him to come back for several years,
but he always had the excuse that his "tux was at the cleaners."  Some of you
may remember big Al as the writer of the bluegrass classic, "I've got the
nine day Bean Blossom Blues," and another work, still in progress, "The awful
dreadful possum of Bean Blossom."  We had a ball reminiscing with Al about
the old days and he brought his Martin D28, which he just had refurbished.
That might have prompted his visit.  (quote: Jim Peva)

Photo by Jim Peva

L to R:  Graham Murphy, Jeff Harris, Jim Moss
(Bean Blossom 2001)

This being my 35th straight June festival at BB, it has become more of a
reunion to me than a musical event.  Age dictates that I not stay up half the
night to take in all the jams, but retire at a sensible hour (midnight or
before).  Light wakes me up anymore, so when the morning sun filters through
the Bean Blossom trees, my new day starts, absent Jim Moss and other members
of the Frank Wakefield Band who picked at our campsite until 3:00 a.m. or so
several mornings and who are asleep in at their motel down the road when I
arise.  (quote: Jim Peva)

Photo by Jim Peva

Ralph Stanley & The Clinch Mountain Boys.
(Bean Blossom 2001)

Speaking of Bean Blossom trees, the danger of dead limbs falling prompted 
the felling of a walnut tree on the left side facing the stage, about half way
back, and a huge hickory tree just at the right front corner facing the
stage.  Just think of all the musical notes that have been absorbed by those
trees during their lifetimes!  Bill Spear and Frank Neat will put the walnut
to good use for banjo necks.  Souvenir plaques containing a poem by Sam
Jackson about the music in the Bean Blossom trees will be made from the
hickory tree.  (Do you think that if you had one of those plaques, and went
into a REAL QUIET room and listened REAL CLOSELY, and used 
your imagination,  you could hear all of those sounds from the past?) 
I will be observant for cauliflower ears at BB in the future after those plaques 
become available.  (quote: Jim Peva)

Photo by Jim Peva


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